To provide access to affordable, convenient, quality healthcare for patients of all ages.
We offer medical care for most acute conditions that are NOT life or limb threatening emergencies. We also give patients with debilitating medical conditions access to medical marijuana to help improve their quality of life.
Patients speak directly with the same medical doctor for the highest level of care without mid-level interference.
Progressive healthcare with quality and access like it used to be.
Our Services
Acute Care consultation.
We address minor health needs or medical concerns that require a professional medical opinion and treatment from a board certified medical doctor. We are here for symptoms that you are familiar with, new symptoms, or any medical concerns that you are unsure about.
Any life or limb-threatening emergencies should seek care at nearest Emergency Room immediately.
Medical Marijuana consultation.
Medical Marijuana has been legal in Louisiana since 2015. It is safe and effective for numerous chronic medical conditions and may greatly improve your quality of life if you suffer from any of the many debilitating conditions that have scientifically been studied. I will review your medical history and determine whether medical marijuana may benefit you.
View a list of qualifying medial conditions for medical marijuana here.
I do not offer open medical marijuana recommendations as they are not safe or ethical.
Microdosing with specific strains is best for patient care.
No transportation issues.
Consultation convenience from your home or office.
Social distancing adhered to through no contact.
You are not exposed to numerous sick people as in Emergency Rooms or Urgent Care.
Direct , private, one-on-one consultation with physician.
Efficient and your time is respected.
You speak to the doctor directly – no mid-level interference.
Ease of telephone(Facetime) or computer(Zoom) for consultation.
Improved and personal healthcare.